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Israel 1948-2023

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Accurate with following currencies :
Pound of Israel1948-1957
Lira of Israel1960-1980
Table of vintages
Israel • Republic 1948-1957
Vintage 1 pruta 5 pruta 10 pruta 10 pruta 25 mils 25 pruta 50 pruta 50 pruta 100 pruta 100 pruta 100 pruta 250 pruta 500 pruta
תש'ח (1948)
25 mils - Wine grap25 mils - Wine grap
Wine grap
#10680 • 5708-5709 (1948-1949)
תש׳ט (1949)
1 pruta - Anchor1 pruta - Anchor
#10681 • 5709 (1949)
2 660 000
5 pruta - Lire5 pruta - Lire
#10682 • 5709 (1949)
5 000 000
10 pruta - Large amphor10 pruta - Large amphor
Large amphor
#10683 • 5709 (1949)
7 500 000
25 pruta - Wine grap25 pruta - Wine grap
Wine grap
#10687 • 5709-5714 (1949-1954)
2 500 000
50 pruta - Branche50 pruta - Branche
#10689 • 5709-5714 (1949-1954)
6 000 000
100 pruta - Date palm100 pruta - Date palm
Date palm
#10692 • 5709-5715 (1949-1955)
6 042 000
250 pruta - Ears250 pruta - Ears
#10695 • 5709 (1949)
524 000
500 pruta - Israel500 pruta - Israel
#10697 • 5709 (1949)
תש'ח (1949)
Holon : lien ouvert
תש'ח (1949)
Jerusalem : lien fermé
תש"ט H (1949)
250 pruta - Ears250 pruta - Ears
#10695 • 5709 (1949)
תש׳ט (1949)
2 000 000
5 000 000
7 428 000
10 500 000
6 020 000
1 496 000
PL תש׳ט (1949)
SP תש'ט (1949)
SP תש"ט (1949)
Vintage 1 pruta 5 pruta 10 pruta 10 pruta 25 mils 25 pruta 50 pruta 50 pruta 100 pruta 100 pruta 100 pruta 250 pruta 500 pruta
SP תש׳ט (1949)
תשי׳ב (1952)
10 pruta - Small amphor - Ondulated10 pruta - Small amphor - Ondulated
Small amphor - Ondulated
#10684 • 5712 (1952)
26 042 000
תשי'ד (1954)
25 pruta - Wine grap25 pruta - Wine grap
Wine grap
#10687 • 5709-5714 (1949-1954)
3 697 347
250 000
50 pruta - Branche50 pruta - Branche
#10689 • 5709-5714 (1949-1954)
4 500 000
100 pruta - Israel100 pruta - Israel
Date palm
#10692 • 5709-5715 (1949-1955)
100 pruta - Israel100 pruta - Israel
Date palm
#10692 • 5709-5715 (1949-1955)
100 pruta - Israel100 pruta - Israel
Date palm
#10692 • 5709-5715 (1949-1955)
700 000
תשי"ד (1954)
50 pruta - Branche50 pruta - Branche
#10689 • 5709-5714 (1949-1954)
17 773 633
100 pruta - Israel100 pruta - Israel
Date palm
#10692 • 5709-5715 (1949-1955)
תשט"ו (1955)
5 867 674
תשיז (1957)
10 pruta - Israel10 pruta - Israel
Small amphor - Round
#10685 • 5717 (1957)
1 000 000
10 pruta - Israel10 pruta - Israel
Small amphor - Round
#10685 • 5717 (1957)
1 088 000
Israel • Republic 1960-1980
Vintage 1 agora 1 agora 5 agorot 5 agorot 10 agorot 10 agorot 25 agorot 25 agorot 1/2 lira 1 lira 5 lirot
תש"ך (1960)
1 agora - Ears1 agora - Ears
#10698 • 5720-5740 (1960-1980)
12 768 000
תש"ך (1960)
5 agorot - Grenades5 agorot - Grenades
#10702 • 5720-5739 (1960-1979)
8 019 000
10 agorot - Date palm10 agorot - Date palm
Date palm
#10708 • 5720-5740 (1960-1980)
14 397 000
25 agorot - Lire25 agorot - Lire
#10714 • 5720-5739 (1960-1979)
4 391 000
תשכ"א (1961)
12 821 000
תשכ"א (1961)
Tel Aviv : כ court dans la date
5 000 000
5 009 000
תשכ"א (1961)
19 262 000
15 090 000
תשכ"ב (1962)
14 500 000
11 198 000
8 845 000
882 000
תשכ"ג (1963)
Berne : petits animaux sous la Menorah
1/2 lira - Menorah1/2 lira - Menorah
#10720 • 5723-5739 (1963-1979)
1 lira - Menorah1 lira - Menorah
#10729 • 5723-5727 (1963-1967)
2 212 000
תשכ"ג (1963)
14 804 000
1 429 000
3 931 000
194 000
5 593 000
2 000 000
תשכ"ג (1963)
1 agora - Israel1 agora - Israel
#10698 • 5720-5740 (1960-1980)
Vintage 1 agora 1 agora 5 agorot 5 agorot 10 agorot 10 agorot 25 agorot 25 agorot 1/2 lira 1 lira 5 lirot
תשכ"ד (1964)
27 554 241
תשכ"ד (1964)
3 612 000
3 761 890
SP תשכ"ד (1964)
SP תשכ"ד (1964)
תשכ"ה (1965)
20 731 625
תשכ"ה (1965)
201 281
200 561
186 544
1 551 167
166 053
תשכ"ו (1966)
10 162 502
תשכ"ו (1966)
290 866
7 276 610
320 000
2 139 000
290 000
תשכ"ז (1967)
6 782 271
2 195 144
6 426 438
325 041
1 941 579
1 lira - Fleur1 lira - Fleur
#10724 • 5727-5740 (1967-1980)
3 830 388
תשכ"ז (1967)
180 066
Vintage 1 agora 1 agora 5 agorot 5 agorot 10 agorot 10 agorot 25 agorot 25 agorot 1/2 lira 1 lira 5 lirot
תשכ"ח (1968)
20 899 000
4 020 000
4 825 000
445 000
1 183 000
3 932 061
תשכ"ט (1969)
22 120 000
2 200 103
6 810 000
432 004
450 000
12 484 016
תש"ל (1970)
17 748 000
4 004 000
6 131 000
417 000
1 001 023
4 793 663
תשל"א (1971)
24 512 000
14 010 000
6 810 000
500 030
500 008
2 993 000
תשל"א (1971)
125 921
125 921
125 921
125 921
125 921
125 921
תשל"ב (1972)
19 653 112
תשל"ב (1972)
20 496 000
9 005 000
1 883 000
421 000
2 485 041
תשל"ב (1972)
תשל"ג (1973)
3 225 000
10 265 000
תשל"ג (1973)
8 080 000
25 720 000
16 205 000
3 770 000
Vintage 1 agora 1 agora 5 agorot 5 agorot 10 agorot 10 agorot 25 agorot 25 agorot 1/2 lira 1 lira 5 lirot
תשל"ד (1974)
Flan mat
8 080 000
10 470 000
2 320 000
4 275 015
6 287 000
תשל"ד (1974)
Flan miroir
34 000 000
22 040 000
תשל"ד (1974)
5 agorot - Israel5 agorot - Israel
#10702 • 5720-5739 (1960-1979)
10 agorot - Israel10 agorot - Israel
Date palm
#10708 • 5720-5740 (1960-1980)
25 agorot - Israel25 agorot - Israel
#10714 • 5720-5739 (1960-1979)
תשל"ה (1975)
1 574 000
10 232 000
25 135 000
3 968 000
13 225 000
תשל"ה (1975)
11 067 000
תשל"ה (1975)
תשל"ו (1976)
4 512 000
5 agorot - Grenades5 agorot - Grenades
#10702 • 5720-5739 (1960-1979)
13 156 000
54 870 000
3 901 000
4 959 000
4 268 000
תשל"ו (1976)
תשל"ז (1977)
Flan miroir
15 000 010
תשל"ז (1977)
9 680 000
16 800 000
27 885 863
1 832 000
4 983 010
11 129 000
Vintage 1 agora 1 agora 5 agorot 5 agorot 10 agorot 10 agorot 25 agorot 25 agorot 1/2 lira 1 lira 5 lirot
תשל"ז (1977)
תשל"ז (1977)
10 agorot - Date palm10 agorot - Date palm
Date palm
#10708 • 5720-5740 (1960-1980)
30 000 010
תשל"ח (1978)
8 864 000
38 716 000
24 050 000
12 200 000
14 325 000
61 752 000
5 lirot - Lion5 lirot - Lion
#10728 • 5738-5739 (1978-1979)
25 361 000
תשל"ח (1978)
Flan miroir
21 480 000
104 335 750
תשל"ח (1978)
תשל"ט (1979)
4 048 763
12 835 709
22 201 469
10 842 140
21 391 170
34 815 464
תשל"ט (1979)
34 815 464
תשל"ט (1979)
תש"ם (1980)
2 599 634
4 752 330
10 840 424
Israel • Out circulating issues 1961-1980
Vintage 1 agora 5 agorot 10 agorot 25 agorot 1/2 lira 1 lira 5 lirot
תשכ"א (1961)
Old coin
#10719 • 5721-5722 (1961-1962)
SP תשכ"א (1961)
תשכ"ב (1962)
SP תשכ"ב (1962)
תשל"ג (1973)
1 agora - Independence - 25 years1 agora - Independence - 25 years
Independence - 25 years
#10700 • 5733 (1973)
5 agorot - Independence - 25 years5 agorot - Independence - 25 years
Independence - 25 years
#10706 • 5733 (1973)
10 agorot - Independence - 25 years10 agorot - Independence - 25 years
Independence - 25 years
#10712 • 5733 (1973)
25 agorot - Independence - 25 years25 agorot - Independence - 25 years
Independence - 25 years
#10717 • 5733 (1973)
1/2 lira - Independence - 25 years1/2 lira - Independence - 25 years
Independence - 25 years
#10722 • 5733 (1973)
1 lira - Independence - 25 years1 lira - Independence - 25 years
Independence - 25 years
#10726 • 5733 (1973)
תש"ם (1980)
Bank of Israel - 25 years
#10727 • 5740 (1980)
תש"ם (1980)
Bank of Israel - 25 years
#10701 • 5740 (1980)
Bank of Israel - 25 years
#10707 • 5740 (1980)
Bank of Israel - 25 years
#10713 • 5740 (1980)
Bank of Israel - 25 years
#10718 • 5740 (1980)
Bank of Israel - 25 years
#10723 • 5740 (1980)
Bank of Israel - 25 years
#10731 • 5740 (1980)
Israel • Republic 1980-1985
Vintage 1 agora 5 agorot 10 agorot 1/2 sheqel 1 sheqel 5 sheqalim 10 sheqalim 10 sheqalim 50 sheqalim 100 sheqalim 100 sheqalim
תש"ם (1980)
1 agora - Date palm1 agora - Date palm
Date palm
#10732 • 5740-5742 (1980-1982)
200 000 000
5 agorot - Menorah5 agorot - Menorah
#10733 • 5740-5742 (1980-1982)
69 532 000
10 agorot - Flowers10 agorot - Flowers
#10734 • 5740-5744 (1980-1984)
167 932 000
תש"ם (1980)
1/2 sheqel - Lion1/2 sheqel - Lion
#10735 • 5740-5744 (1980-1984)
52 308 000
תשמ"א (1981)
1 000 000
1 000 000
241 100 000
53 272 000
1 sheqel - Chalice1 sheqel - Chalice
#10736 • 5741-5745 (1981-1985)
154 540 000
תשמ"ב (1982)
1 000 000
5 000 000
23 000 000
18 808 484
15 850 000
5 sheqalim - Cornucopia5 sheqalim - Cornucopia
#10737 • 5742-5745 (1982-1985)
30 000 000
10 sheqalim - Old ship10 sheqalim - Old ship
Old ship
#10738 • 5742-5745 (1982-1985)
36 084 123
תשמ"ג (1983)
2 500 000
250 000
26 360 200
994 000
17 850 750
תשמ"ד (1984)
500 000
250 000
30 000 000
17 389 000
31 950 200
10 sheqalim - Israel10 sheqalim - Israel
Old ship
#10738 • 5742-5745 (1982-1985)
2 000 000
50 sheqalim - Old coin50 sheqalim - Old coin
Old coin
#10739 • 5744-5745 (1984-1985)
13 993 658
100 sheqalim - Israel land100 sheqalim - Israel land
Israel land
#10740 • 5744-5745 (1984-1985)
30 028 433
תשמ"ה (1985)
500 000
250 005
25 864 436
1 000 100
19 637 806
100 sheqalim - Israel land100 sheqalim - Israel land
Israel land
#10740 • 5744-5745 (1984-1985)
2 000 000
Israel • Commemoratives 1984-1985
Vintage 10 sheqalim 50 sheqalim 100 sheqalim
תשמ"ד (1984)
10 sheqalim - Theodor Herzl10 sheqalim - Theodor Herzl
Theodor Herzl
#35232 • 5744 (1984)
2 002 500
תשמ"ה (1985)
David Ben Gurion
#35233 • 5745 (1985)
1 000 000
#35234 • 5745 (1985)
2 000 000
Israel • Commemoratives 1986-2022
Vintage 1 agorot 5 agorot 10 agorot 1/2 sheqel 1 sheqel 5 sheqalim 10 sheqalim
תשמ"ז (1986)
1/2 sheqel - Edmond de Rothschild1/2 sheqel - Edmond de Rothschild
Edmond de Rothschild
#23281 • 5746 (1986)
500 000
תשמ"ח (1988)
#23283 • 5748 (1988)
1 000 000
תשמ"ח (1988)
Independence - 40 years
#23277 • 5748 (1988)
504 000
Independence - 40 years
#23278 • 5748 (1988)
504 000
Independence - 40 years
#23279 • 5748 (1988)
504 000
Independence - 40 years
#23280 • 5748 (1988)
500 000
Independence - 40 years
#23282 • 5748 (1988)
504 000
תש"ן (1990)
Levi Eshkol
#23284 • 5750 (1990)
1 000 000
התשנ״ג (1993)
Chaim Weizmann
#10755 • 5753 (1993)
1 500 000
התשנ"ה (1995)
10 sheqalim - Golda Meir10 sheqalim - Golda Meir
Golda Meir
#10757 • 5755 (1995)
1 584 000
תשפ"ב (2022)
#10753 • 5782 (2022)
1 500 000
Mints and mintmarks
This list presents all mints used on this page and attached mintmarks.
No mintmark
No mintmark
Name : Watt
Letter H
Name : Heaton
No mintmark
No mintmark
Name : Camberra
No mintmark
Name : Berne
No mintmark
Name : Utrecht
No mintmark
Name : Sans marque - Rahapaja
No mintmark
Name : Pretoria
No mintmark
Name : Santiago
Without mintmark
No mintmark
Name : Kongsberg
No mintmark
Name : Varsaw
No mintmark
Name : Jerusalem
Star of David
Without mark
Without mark
No mintmark
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) • - No590
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) - No591
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) - No592
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) - No593
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) - No596
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) - No597
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) • - No594
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Israel - 250 pruta - Ears - תש"ט (5709) • - No595
Seller : MTM International
8.00 €
Médaille israelienne - 1971 - No1332
Seller : MTM International
50.00 €
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